Uniform Contract

I _______________ abide to the fact that once I receive the
(Fill  In Your Name)
issued uniform parts, it is my duty to keep them clean and use them in a proper manner.
I am know I am representing an elite team at Watkins Mill High School.

I know that if I do not abide by this rule that the article of uniform in question (weather the spats or the ascot) will be taken away.

I know that the spats are to be kept as clean as possible and be kept inspection ready as required by the NSI and the ANSI.

I know that I will wear my uniform for one entire uniform day a week as prescribed by the NSI and the ANSI.

I know that if I am to lose any one of these articles of uniform, I know that I will be held responsible for them and I will have to pay for them.

 ________________________         ___________
                           (Signature)              Date)


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Watkins Mill High School
10301 Apple Ridge Road
Gaithersburg MD
In the Heart Of Montgomery County

EMail The WebMaster
Watkins Mill Color Guard Commander